Summary: The EzRun treadmill from DKN has a ton of great features for the price. This is a bigger home treadmill, with automatic incline up to 12%. It features a padded running surface and a big console. You can use the EzRun in conjunction with the DKN iConsole+ app. This allows you to run on ‘courses’ from around the world. It also works with popular running apps including Zwift and KenoMap. This model folds, which is a big plus for a quality / more robust model. Feedback has been positive across multiple outlets for this treadmill.
See the full (impressive) picture gallery for yourself on this dedicated EzRun product page!
You’ll get a big, solid machine – much closer to the size you’ll find in the gym than it is to those flimsy budget models. The running belt is extra wide (at a full 52cm) and the 140cm length means taller users can run comfortably. The machine weighs in at a full 84kgs. This is 3x the weight of cheap treadmills.
This type of machine is not a ‘wheel it in and set it up’ treadmill. You’ll need a dedicated space. Having a folding mechanism is unusual for a pro-level machine. The only other one I can think of which matches the spec and folds cost twice as much. These are from commercial brands such as NordicTrack.
The top speed is 20km / hour – more than enough for even the tallest / fastest runners!
EzRun Treadmills come 95% assembled. A big plus for those of us that are not DIY-minded (or just want to get running without the bother).
Automatic incline on the EzRun is a big plus. This makes running more varied and gives you a great cardio workout. The DKN EzRun has up to 12% incline. This is automatic, so you will not need to stop to reset the incline – you control it via the console. This does mean you’ll have programs where you have this mid-session. Perfect if you are using the app to run on a course which has varied terrain.
One thing you will certainly not find on cheap models is the cushioned running surface. The running belt is thick, giving better grip than on many models. As a side note, cushioning also keeps the noise down while you run.
A reason to choose this model is the full feature set. You can choose to use the console, or an app via your own phone or tablet.
The electronics are plenty enough to get you fit and keep those runs varied. You get 25 pre-set workouts, covering endurance, intervals and intensive options. They are displayed on a backlit LCD console. There are also workouts you can program for yourself – and heart-rate controlled workouts too. This console lets you choose 2 user profiles for the pre-programmed options (you won’t need this for the 25 pre-set ones).
While you run your speed, pulse, distance, time and calories burned can be displayed. I like the placement of the pulse rate sensors on the EzRun. They lean inwards in front of the console – so you won’t need to grab the arms in an unnatural running position. There is a safety key included as standard.
Finally, this console is Bluetooth compatible. This connects to your phone or tablet. You can use the DKN iConsole+ app to choose terrain / courses to run on and record your results / improvements. This works with Google Maps. It also lets you link up with friends to form groups – where you can track each others progress for accountabilty or just for fun.
Of course, you can choose your own app via your phone / tablet – and use a chest strap for tracking progress.
Solid feedback for the EzRun, year-after-year.
One surprise in the reoccurring comments – the need for a mat. Multiple people said that getting a simple rubber mat kept their treadmill stable and stopped rattling. This is true for all treadmills (ok, all fitness equipment). I have not come across it mentioned so many times in feedback before. Aside from some grumbles about broken products, there were very few negatives compared with similarly priced models.
Customer service was praised by multiple buyers. I’m not surprised with DKN – who are an established and trusted fitness / recovery equipment brand. This is another reason to stick with known brands, and not be tempted by those cheap and nasty Chinese knock-offs! The robustness and folding mechanism of the EzRun came in for individual positive mentions too.
Remember to keep an eye on the latest feedback, whichever home treadmill you choose – this can and does change over time, especially with the current pace of technological change.
DKN are Belgian, and have been around since 1991.
European brands come with a big advantage for buyers. In addition to the UK safety / quality certifications, they have met the Europe-wide standards too.
Treadmills are only part of the range of fitness equipment produced by DKN. Here are some of the other products:
For the best price, do check first. You not only get the excellent customer service from DKN – you are protected by the Amazon easy returns policy too.
This mid-price bracket includes multiple big brands. There is a bigger and more powerful model from DKN – in the form of the EnduRun – I have this on my list to review as soon.
Here are two alternatives to consider:
ProForm Carbon T7: This popular brand have higher-priced treadmills, though their new Carbon T7 is in the mid-range price bracket and has an amazing features list. You get a 7″ touch-screen display for app use. Choose your own favourite, or go with iFit (you get a 30 day free trial with purchase). You’ll get incline, ISO Flex cushioning and a powerful 2.75CHP motor for this model. Check the details (and payment options) at the official UK Proform site now!
Reebok iRun-3 Treadmill: If the EzRun is too bulky for your space, then the iRun is a compact alternative from a respected brand. This model folds flat, so you can stand it against a wall or even put it into a bigger cupboard. The wide console has everything you need to train, plus speakers (MP3 compatible) for entertainment. 13km / hour is plenty of speed for most of us. If you are a more serious runner, a little more (up to 16km / hour) would be better. Check out the iRun 3 now – at the official Reebok store at!
DKN have created a popular mid-priced treadmill here. It has the right balance of size, spec and higher-end features for home users – without breaking the bank by adding too many gimmicks. The impressive speed and automatic incline make it suitable for all the family. Even the fittest runners will find 20km / hour at 12% incline a challenge!
While the console is simple (though works effectively), I recommend using an app on your own phone or tablet to get the best from the DKN EzRun. Options include Zwift, KinoMap or the iConsole+ from DKN.
The EzRun hits the sweet spot for mid-priced models. It is so much better than the cheaper machines, without breaking the bank with a 4-figure price tag.
See the impressive picture gallery, and the latest pricing options now – over on this dedicated product page.
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